First encounter with the Sámi people

March 10, 2008 at 12:50 am | Posted in Scandinavia | 1 Comment
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Before I came with the idea of the around-the-world journey, I was already interested in the situation of the Sámi, the indigenous people from Sápmi (wrongly named as Lapland), their land, that crosses Norway, Sweden, Finnish and the Kola peninsula in Russia. The story telling how I got interested on them is lond, and its origins are probably a bit unconscious, from some things I saw or read when I was a child. I will talk about it another day. But even now, I find fascinating that a nomade hunter-gatherer society still survives in Europe in the 21st century.

For that reason, the last december I visited them. With temperatures around 15 celsius degrees below zero and only three hours of daylight, it was probable that there were almost no tourists and it was easier for me to ask for the things I was looking for. Everything achieved from that trip was positive, much more than I had thought. In other posts I will write about everything I learned there; now, I just wanted to share some photos I brought back home.

Electric ideas

March 6, 2008 at 8:10 pm | Posted in Chatting | Leave a comment
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It was Thursday the 12th of February at 11AM and the buses where on strike. As an absent-minded person, I didn’t know it, so I wait for my bus more than 20 minutes reading a magazine near the bus stop, until the two chatting ladies that waited besides me made me understand what was happening. But such a long wait, surprisingly, wasn’t unproductive. Seconds later, walking along Balmes street, something awoke my brain, and an electric current ran down my spine; an idea. An special idea, a very special one. The kind of idea that only occurs once or twice a year, if you’re lucky.

With an idea like that my head was about to explode, so after bugging my workmate i quickly opened Twitter and started explaining it. After a bit of surprise and some kidding, somebody came with the idea of writing a blog about it.

Usually the ideas don’t have date and time, at least mines. And this one, that has almost no concrete shape, has it, and that makes it even more special. Right now is just a sort of sum:

But this is a pretty trashy travel planning. There’s missing information everywhere: which communities? which languages do they speak? where do they live? which culture do they have? how they survive in a world that doesn’t understand them? what would they like to say to us, if they’re given the chance? what could they teach to us? I don’t know how to answer all those questions; organizing the trip, traveling. But this blog will be the place where I’ll collect, organize everything. And, above all sharing it, if you want it.

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